domingo, 26 de julio de 2020


In this blog I'd like to share three theories about life after death (if there is one hehe), it's a topic that I find super interesting, since nobody knows for sure what happens when we die, nobody can confirm their beliefs, but neither can anyone deny them, finally only the dead know the truth.


At death, the essence or soul of people is reborn in a body, plant or animal again and again without stopping, but it never disappears completely. A person's spirit travels through different bodies and different lives in order to learn the lessons of existence itself, which in the future will allow it to transcend from worldly consciousness by evolving into a semi-divine spirit.

Las pruebas de que existe la reencarnación | Crónica | Firme junto ...


Also known as the theory of the self-centered, we are the only person who exists and the whole universe is the result of our imagination. All the people, all the events, the past and the future are product of our mind, the reality is an illusion created by means of our conscience. We are the only real thing, so when we die the universe no longer exists.

Déjà vú: ¿Qué es y cómo se produce en realidad?

Déjà Vu

Our existence would be like an album that, when it reaches its end, repeats itself over and over again. No one would be aware of this repetition other than in the déjà vu that is sometimes experienced and which would be like a reminder that life is a cycle that has been going on for tens or hundreds or thousands of years without being altered in anything more than small details. In reality there would be no death, the Beyond would be life itself with its different versions of itself.

Qué es un Déjà vu y por qué sucede? - Cholila Online

domingo, 12 de julio de 2020

Postgraduate studies

I haven't really thought about taking a postgraduate course yet, which is why I started doing research and discovered a master's degree in investigation and intervention in social work, which is imparted in Spain at the University of Huelva. The main reason why it caught my attention is because of the investigative focus of the course, which includes a module specifically dedicated to instructing professionals to be able to design investigative strategies to deal with conflicts, dilemmas and ethical issues that arise.

The truth is that I would like to go to Spain to do this university master's degree, but for economic reasons I see it complicated and from what I checked on the university's website they don't do the course online, so distance learning is not an option. However, I have an uncle who lives in Sevilla, so there is the possibility of doing the course in the future in person, which by the way is full time.

The good thing about the Master's being in Spain is that the language barrier will not be a problem, what could make it more difficult for me is to adapt to Spanish society and culture, but I don't think it will be so hard, I even think it will be fun.

After doing the course I would like to return to Chile and apply everything I learned in the area of social reintegration, which I talked about in more depth in my previous blog.


domingo, 5 de julio de 2020

My Future Job

At first I liked the idea of being an investigative journalist, but I gave up that ambition because of the limited employment opportunities in that profession and because of my perception of corruption in the media. So I decided to study social work, I really don't know how I will manage in the future with this job, since we are constantly hearing that it is like the mentholatum jaja, because it can be applied to different disciplinary fields of education, health, sports, politics, etc. But I would like to focus on the social reintegration of people deprived of their liberty, a social work oriented in the prison environment.

Regarding outdoors and indoors, I believe that this work will be developed with a little of both, by one side it's necessary to work outside to know the social reality of the place that is wanted to investigate, by the other side it's necessary to work indoors to plan the actions that are going to be implemented in that place.

I don't think that travelling in this work is something very recurrent, at least outside the city. What I would like to do is travel to different countries where the profession will be discussed, something like academic talks that I would also take the opportunity to explore the place jeje.

I'd like to specialize in the reintegration and society core, which I could join next year. I would like to join that core for the reasons I mentioned before, I would be interested to focus on the reintegration of convicts into society.
About the salary, the truth is that I wouldn't expect much, it's a job that doesn't pay very well in Chile, but I like their work and that's enough for me :).

sábado, 27 de junio de 2020

My Favorite Videogame

My favorite video game is Metro 2033, based on the novel of Dmitri Glukhovsky. It's an action and horror game set in a post-apocalyptic Moscow. The main character is the young Artyom, a survivor of the nuclear war who took refuge, along with thousands of other Russians, in the Russian capital's metro after the surface was contaminated with radiation.

Se Anuncia Película De 'Metro 2033' — No Somos Ñoños

The premise of the game is basically about how our protagonist tries to save his home, the subway, from the monsters that descend more and more into the subterranean world of humans. To do this, he must make an extensive journey through the network of tunnels, confronting the beasts of the surface and the bandits of the underground, in order to reach the base of the Order, a military organization destined to defend the subway, and ask them to help his station.

The Art of Metro 2033: Last Light | Post apocalíptico, Post ...

I remember many years ago the first time I played it on the Xbox 360, I had been looking for the video game for a long time, but since it was very old I couldn’t find it, until one day, by pure chance buying food for my dog, I saw a video game store where, behind the showcase, was the longed-for video game. Since then I can say that I have replayed it, I think more than 8 times. Since in 2015 a remastered version for PC came out and there I turned to addiction haha.


In this blog I'd like to share three theories about life after death (if there is one hehe), it's a topic that I find super interest...