domingo, 26 de julio de 2020


In this blog I'd like to share three theories about life after death (if there is one hehe), it's a topic that I find super interesting, since nobody knows for sure what happens when we die, nobody can confirm their beliefs, but neither can anyone deny them, finally only the dead know the truth.


At death, the essence or soul of people is reborn in a body, plant or animal again and again without stopping, but it never disappears completely. A person's spirit travels through different bodies and different lives in order to learn the lessons of existence itself, which in the future will allow it to transcend from worldly consciousness by evolving into a semi-divine spirit.

Las pruebas de que existe la reencarnación | Crónica | Firme junto ...


Also known as the theory of the self-centered, we are the only person who exists and the whole universe is the result of our imagination. All the people, all the events, the past and the future are product of our mind, the reality is an illusion created by means of our conscience. We are the only real thing, so when we die the universe no longer exists.

Déjà vú: ¿Qué es y cómo se produce en realidad?

Déjà Vu

Our existence would be like an album that, when it reaches its end, repeats itself over and over again. No one would be aware of this repetition other than in the déjà vu that is sometimes experienced and which would be like a reminder that life is a cycle that has been going on for tens or hundreds or thousands of years without being altered in anything more than small details. In reality there would be no death, the Beyond would be life itself with its different versions of itself.

Qué es un Déjà vu y por qué sucede? - Cholila Online

2 comentarios:

  1. they are really interesting theories, you left me thinking about it🤔🤔🤔

  2. Woow!This is a very interestin topic. I think that life after death it´s something that many people think about to try to find a meaning to life itself.



In this blog I'd like to share three theories about life after death (if there is one hehe), it's a topic that I find super interest...