lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2019

My favourite piece of technology

My favourite piece of technology is the computer; I got my own computer in 2015 at Christmas and I use it more than anything to play video games, but it also helps me to find and save information, do work of university, read texts, watch movies and series, etc. For this reason I usually use it almost every day for at least 2 hours. I like it because it makes things very easy for me and has provided me with countless hours of fun. My life would be quite complicated without this technological device, but I don't think it's such a terrible thing, it would only be necessary to adapt.

lunes, 26 de agosto de 2019

My career

When I was a child I dreamed of being a detective, but I never understood how to become one, so I decided to study social work, however it wasn't the only career that interested me, I also wanted to dedicate myself to journalism and anthropology, but was the role that social work plays in society that made me decide to study that career.

My experience in the university until now it has been great, I've learned new things, I've made new friends, I've done things I've never done before and I feel increasingly fascinated with the classes.

Although being honest even today I think sometimes that I would like to have a detective job. Even so, I feel happy to know that I am on the road to being a social worker.

lunes, 19 de agosto de 2019

Auto Biography

My name is Matías Andrés Astete O' Kington I was born on Santiago, Chile on March 14 in 2000. I did my elementary and my high school in Manantial de San Miguel College and now I'm studying social work in the Universidad de Chile. My mother Betzabé O’ Kington is a social worker and my father Roberto Astete is a gasfitter technician, also I have two brothers, I’m the middle one, my old brother is studying architecture at UTEM and my little brother is doing his elementary school, besides I have three cats in the family. My main hobbies are stay in mi room and play videogames, watch series and movies, reed books and sometimes do calisthenics in the park near of my house.

This is a picture of my family of the year 2006.

lunes, 12 de agosto de 2019


1. I watch my series in my home.

2. I watch my series in my free time and the most part of the time i see them alone.

3. absolutely, it's a very good series.

4. The true is i see all the series with subtitles.

5. Only i repeat an episode if is very good and i just repeat two times an episode. 

6. When the main character is beheaded in the last espisode of the first season.

7. My favorite character is Tyrion Lannister, because he is a very smart person in spite of not be good at combat and because of that he still alive. 

8. The easiest character is Ned Stark, a person moved just for honor and loyalty.

9. "What we say to the god of death... Not today". These are the last words of the fencing master of Arya Stark, before he sacrificed for her.

10. Listening my series it has helped me a lot for improved my english.


In this blog I'd like to share three theories about life after death (if there is one hehe), it's a topic that I find super interest...